Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Big Green Arm Chair

The Big Green Armchair a) i. The mood of the setting ii. â€Å"Staring into the grim winter/ Only slate – grey skies† iii. The author uses adjectives like â€Å"grim† and â€Å"slate – grey† to describe the winter’s day, which conveys a very dull and dreary mood. The author compares the grim winter’s day and the dull mood to the old woman. This helps the reader understand how the woman is feeling. b) The author creates a dull mood by describing in detail what the old woman sees outside the window. Staring into the grim winter, she sees no flowering plants. There are no colours, only slate – grey skies and bare, brown trunks. There are no buzzing cicadas or cheeky kookaburras singing and darting between the trees. This shows the reader that the old woman misses this time of the year. The use of repetition â€Å"There are no colors/ There are no buzzing cicadas†¦ † The use of repetition â€Å"There are no colors/ Ther e are no buzzing†¦Ã¢â‚¬  emphasizes the dullness of mood.This descriptive style of writing makes the reader picture the dull and gray setting and the old woman looking out of the window. c) The author writes in third person and uses past tense half way through the text which creates a nostalgic feeling which the old woman is going through. The use of adjectives and descriptive sentences like â€Å"summer was bright and lively† and â€Å"ruby red gerberas burst through the green gardens and purple flowers blanketed the huge jacaranda tree†, adds to the nostalgia and creates imagery.The author makes the reader visualize the bright sun and the blooming flowers. The use of sensory descriptive words like â€Å"the smell of meat sizzling on the barbeque lingered in the air† and â€Å"eating mouthwatering prawns† makes the reader imagine the smell of the barbequed meat and the taste of the prawns. This shows that the old woman misses those days and that th ose days are now memories that make her happy and comfort her.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Computer and Enrollment

Chapter I: Background of the Study Introduction The technology todays plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. The discovery of computer was the great function of modernity for different to make work easier, more capable and more adaptable for the humanity. This desire to simplify lives and perform more effectively creates a new technology for improving lives within our society. Because need exist, man developed and applied technology to fill those needs. Technology is one of the tools to solved man’s craving for their needs.It made the man more efficient for students and provide path to communicate to entire earth. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software application or computer system to make work easier and efficient. Information technology can give a company ready access to improve product and service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and communication between employees and to make thi ngs with lesser effort but having better output and even improve quality. Computerization is a control system that manages processes in industrial workplace.It reduced human errors and processing time, thus it can boost productivity and resulted into high quality of product produce. In Information System, computerization is concerned about interrelating different but interdependent transactions. This can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system. Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System.Enrollment System is used particularly in recording and retrieving students’ information. Tracking students’ information is also one feature of Enrollment System, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments was also added to update or browse students’ billings. Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As a result, it  will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole.The system design project, Enrollment System that will provide the needed and storing information in a faster,    more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. This will also serve as information especially for the irregular students, freshmen, transferee, and professor in able to get access in course, subject, professor, and student enrollees. This information here can be viewed in just a second without worrying that a single file is lost.The idea behind a enrollment system is not a new concept. As student enrollees increase every year, enrollment procedure become harder to deal. This will only serve to increase the problem facing enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling. A computer based system is a system in which the computer plays a major role and this kind of system is needed by every companies and institutions nowadays. This is the best way of storing and retrieving data on a server or hard disk rather than using papers and file cabinets.This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff especially under the computer department because they are the one who are entitled to touch and read the information from here. It will help our institution to have another system that will upgrade the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that our institutions are trying to meet. This study is to know if Computerization is very much in need in Enrollment System of Montessori Professional College. We conducted reserches and survey to get information from the student to know what does computerization can give to improve this institution. Significance of the StudyThis study aimed impart to the mind of the readers the importance of the technolgy in an institution. The advantages and disadvantages ofusing this extra-ordinary creation of man. How the students and employee will respond if this computerization will be implemented. The reason why the researchers conduct this study is because of the reason that many of students having difficulty in enrolling because of Manual Operation Enrollment in Montessori Professional College. This study will may be a references from the administration to implent or not the Computerization Enrollment System. To avoid some conflict to the students nd administration the survey we prepared have no means of any identifacation, and the actual Survey Report will be kept secretly by the reserachers. After this study, we will determined how the students will respond to the Computerization, the current experiences encountered by the students in Montessori Professional College while enrolling, t he comment of the employee regarding this proposal. The actual percentage of the agree and disagree students to the survey conducted. This study also serves as a references in Administration of Montessori Professional College to change the current Enrollment System.. . Defnition of TermsComputer-is a general purpose device that can be  programmed  to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Manual Operation- Any processing operation performed by hand. Computerized- To furnish with a computer or computer system. To enter, process, or store (information) in a computer or system of computers. Institution- is any  structure  or  mechanism  of  social order  and  cooperation  governing the  behaviorof a set of  individuals  within a given community — may it be human or a specific animal one.Institutions are identified with a  s ocial purpose, transcending individuals and intentions by mediating the rules that govern cooperative living behavior. Enrollment- The act or process of enrolling, The act or process of enrolling, A record or an entry. System- is a  set  of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of  elements   and  relationshipswhich are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. Boredom-is an  emotional  state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do, and not interested in their surroundings.Administration- The act or process of administering, especially the management of a government or large institution. The activity of a government or state in the exercise of its powers and duties. Students- is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In some nations, the English term is reserved for those who attend  university, while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a  pupil  in English . In its widest use,  student  is used for anyone who is  learning.Employee- A  person  who is hired to provide  services  to a  company  on a  regular  basis in  exchange  for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent  business. Survey- A  detailed  study  of a  market  or geographical area to gather  data  on  attitudes,  impressions,  opinions,  satisfaction  level, etc. , by polling a  section  of the  population. Research- is formal work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications CHAPTER II: Project Description Statement of the Problem 1.How does Manual Operation in Enrollment affect the Institution’s image to the students? 2. What was the advantages and disadvantages of using Manual Operation i n Enrollment? 3. In Montessori Professional College, does Manual Operation in Enrollment was still effective? 4. What was the advatages and disadvantages of Computerization of Enrollment System? 5. How will Computerized Enrollment System affect Montessori College System? 6. Would the student agree if the administration apply this new system in Montessori Professional College? 7. If Computerized Enrollment System will be implemented, how will the employee respond to the new system?Proposed Research Project Scope and Dilimitation Out of all the students in Montessori Professional College, 50 students were randomly selected to be used as a sample in conducting survey about the curent Enrollment System. This study limits only to those who were studying in MPC. Its main purpose is to determined the comment of the students with regard to the existing system. The advantages and disanvantages of Manual and Computerized Enrollment System. This study considers every aspect of students persona l information that has an impact on their academic performances as their educational background, allowance, gender and age.Each of the respondents are given same questionnaire to answer. And this study focuses on the current student of the present academic year 2012 – 2013. General Objectives This study was aiming to impart to the mind of the reader the importance of innovation in an Institution. Specific Objectives This study aims to create an idea for the current Adminstration of Montessori Professional College to change the old system of the enrollment as a demand of students to lessen the work but with greater payoff. Scope and Limitation Cases Study on Computerized Enrollment System A computerized enrollment system is a multi-function processing operation.Computerization of enrollment information interrelates different yet interdependent transactions in a systematized and functional way. The use of computerized enrollment systems by organizations to help coordinate peopl e and information is increasing throughout the world. Many experts cite numerous reasons why computerized   enrollment systems are viable choices for schools, training programs and workplace operations. Educational institutions, such as colleges and grade schools, are assessed for a case  study. Computerized enrollment systems for educational services and training programs reduce processing time and human errors.Online automated systems, which accept and organize enrollee information, can boost productivity. Systems operations proceed faster, more efficiently and with greater accuracy than manual enrollment systems. Programs are comprehensive and capable of handling all interrelated processes, including: completion of all related forms; development, organization and maintenance of files; creation of master lists and other special reports; fee assessments and balances; departmentalized accounts receivable reports; class schedules; and record  updates.Computer generated enrollme nt solutions afford students choices like options for payment 24/7 that can benefit the whole operation. Systems typically include data protection and backup frameworks. Student enrollees have access to their personal information only. School personnel are able to keep up with teacher and student photos, grade point averages and other pertinent identification data, such as grades, quizzes and any other modules that are considered necessary for efficient administration.Modifications in school policies and requirements are easily edited online. Career guidance and evaluations are facilitated and traceable. What the online enrollment program effectively amounts to is a self-service, on-demand student and administrator friendly guide and process optimizer. Employee workload is decreased and administrators can spend more time giving students more personalized attention and encouragement. Also, the enrollment system is compatible with mobile app versions for students and school staff. In Philippine Setting

Beer Wars Essay

What’s more refreshing on a hot summer day than a nice cold beer? Or how about drinking a nice cold one with some buddies after work at a local bar, sound nice doesn? t it? Beer has been around for many years and will probably be around for many more. A beer is any variety of alcoholic beverages produced by the fermentation of starchy material derived from grains or other plant sources. The production of beer and some other alcoholic beverages is often called brewing. Most every culture has there own tradition and the own take on beer, thus producing many different styles and variations. Simply put, a beer style is a label given to a beer that describes its overall character and often times its origin. It’s a name badge that has been achieved over many centuries of brewing, trial and error, marketing, and consumer acceptance. There are many different types of beer, each of which is said to belong to a particular style. A beer’s style is a label that describes the overall flavour and often the origin of a beer, according to a system that has evolved by trial and error over many centuries. According to the type of yeast that is used in the beer’s fermentation process, most beer styles fall into one of two large families: ale or lager. Beers that blend the characteristics of ales and lagers are referred to as hybrids. An ale is any beer that is brewed using only top-fermenting yeasts, and typically at higher temperatures than lager yeast. Becau†¦ †¦ middle of paper †¦ †¦ a smoked beer a brewer will fire his malt over a wood fire and let the smoke absorb into the grains. This imbues a smoky character in the taste of the brew. Specialty beers are a catch-all category used to describe any beers brewed using unusual fermentable sugars, grains and starches. With all of the different brewing techniques and styles and forms of ingridents there is almost and endless world of beer. Beer is diffently the ultimatesocial drink and it has been proven for years. Beer can be anything from dark, fruity and mysterious to light, crisp and refreshing. Beer tasting is an art and should always be respected. So respect your beer and have fun. Go to your local bar today with a few buddies and begin on your own beer journey.

Monday, July 29, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

International Business - Essay Example What can describe corporate governance is a structure of responsibilities and rights shared within parties who posses a stake in a company. According to the article, researchers direct too much of focus on corporate governance on developed countries leaving emerging economies like China and India with relatively too little focus on research (53). Due to their weak governance, firms in developed countries tend to discount firms in emerging economies. As such, it will be of paramount importance if policy makers could employ corporate governance reforms since they would in turn increase firms in emerging economies access to capital as well as enhance investors’ confidence in these firms. Given the perspective of most foreign investors that emerging economies of China and India are increasingly growing to be of great importance in terms of investment opportunities and source of growth, there should be availability of reforms set to revolutionize the systems of governance in firms in these economies (55). The four challenges include lack of incentives, power in the hands of dominant shareholders, and inadequate number of qualified independent directors deters growth in these emerging economies as well as underdeveloped systems of external monitoring. The main driving forces Arguably, even though there many other factors that are contributing to corporate governance reforms, it is clear that globalization and privatization take the biggest part. There are a number of effects that privatization has on corporate governance reforms. For instance, documented evidence shows that, since when emerging economies started privatizing state owned enterprises a few years ago, there emerged a huge volume of privatization cases ranging from $8 billion in 1990 to more that $65 billion in 1997 (57). In privatization, transfer of ownership is from the sate to new private owners in which it may include local individuals, management, employees, and institutions as well as foreig n investors. Following this state of ownership, the new and diversified structure of ownership renders corporate governance a vital aspect in emerging economies. In the vein of privatization, however, challenges and obstacles occur when a few dominant executives resolve to foster their self-interests by maximizing on their private interests as opposed to owner’s interests. This creates the old or traditional agency problems that in turn make the emerging economies rigid in terms of exercise of authority (59). Additionally, the aspect of privatization led to creation of principle-to-principle agency problems that appear unique and different to emerging economies. As a result, within these indifferent contexts of agency, the majority or large number of shareholders end up controlling the firm and on the other side expropriate the interest of the minority shareholders in the firm. Both China and India became increasingly integrative into the international business at a time when they started reforming their economies with India embarking on liberalism in the wake of 1990s. Globalization led to great and tremendous contributions towards reforming corporate governance of both China and India. This is because, 2002 witnessed China replace the US as the world’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Case Study of Shangri-La Hotels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

A Case Study of Shangri-La Hotels - Essay Example Terrorism is a major threat for Shangri-La operations. 1.2 Economical China's economic environment is experiencing growth. The country's growth is due to the success of Beijing's stimulus package. Government relaxation of travel restrictions and the rising urban incomes makes the country an attractive market for the hotel industry. Chinese domestic and outbound travel has increased in Europe and the US economy is experiencing financial crisis and economic downturn. Unemployment is high and people are tightening their belts. Fiscal stimulus package which was recently approved is needed to contain the deteriorating public finances. Performance of the auto industry, which is the country's major employer, is currently experiencing setbacks. An economic recession and high unemployment state will greatly affect the performance of Shangri-La hotels in the region. 1.3 Social/ Cultural The Beijing Olympics of 2008 is a major influence of the country's foreign relations. It creates camaraderie among nations and puts China in the centre of event. The Olympics boosts the culture the Chinese people as well as opens up the country to the rest of the world. Although the standard of living in China is not equal between rural and urban regions, investments in the cityscapes have created urban migration and rising income. Residents in Europe enjoy a standard of living comparable to most develop countries which is due to decades of solid economic growth. The economic growth is funnelled into the development of a stable social structure. Governments are addressing the challenges posed by an aging population. The establishment of European Union creates a single market that brings in younger, working age population. US citizens have a high standard of living and greater... This essay discusses the success of Shangri-La in Asia, that can be an effective formula for successful ventures in different parts of the world. As a company that aims at competing at a global scale, Shangri-La can be a leading rival of major players in the industry. The company has more opportunities to create a diverse range of products and services. The Spa business can become more profitable as the population of develop countries age and as people become more health conscious. The researcher aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of various business, marketing and human resourcement strategies, that led Shangri-La business to success and provide some recommendations on the topic. As for the corporate level, it is recommended by the researcher that the company would exploit the growing market of China through additional projects on regions with high economic activity and tourist traffic. China is expected to grow in the years to come and the demand for hotels would also grow. T he European and American market is experiencing economic downturn. It is not recommended to focus the organisation’s expansion in these areas because of its economic uncertainty and lack of attractiveness. The researcher then concluds that a market presence can be the primary aim for projects existing in the area. It is also recommended that the company would consider backward integration strategies that would acquire travel agencies in order to boost the company’s capabilities of attracting more guests.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Advantages of Tourism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advantages of Tourism - Assignment Example the economy as a whole. The three main sectors that are used to define the tourism industry are transport,accommodation and food and beverages. This part of the paper will discuss some articles that provide the different advantages of tourism and the outlooks of the authors regarding the subject.According to Brida,Pereyra and Such,one of the biggest advantages of tourism is economic growth for the country. When referring to economic growth, the article discusses different facets of the economy that are helped by tourism, but the main contributor is the growth of the Gross Domestic Product as a result of the tourism industry. From the two main classes of contribution of tourism to GDP, it can be seen that the first factor of tourism and GDP is the total spending done by both internal and external residents in the tourism sector. As can be seen, there are usually two types of tourists, the internal or domestic ones and the foreign tourists. The money that these two classes of tourists spend in the sector helps in growing the economy. The second factor of tourism and GDP development is the spending done by the government and investors in the sector. This is seen in the form of investments done for capital growth in the sector, cultural investment and recreational investment. This indicates that tourism is one of the biggest growers of the GDP in any country. The travel and tourism spending that is done for the sector also provides an important way of increasing the advantages of the sector. Another breakdown of the financial advantage of the tourism sector is the contribution to the foreign exchange earnings of a country (Brida, Pereyra and Such, 2007). As already stated, one of the biggest contributor to tourism is the international travel environment, where individuals from outside the country visit the country for business or pleasure. This means that one of the biggest advantages of tourism is the earning of foreign currency, which helps the country in the dev elopment of infrastructure. When this advantage is broken down it can be seen the local residents benefit from the influx of foreign currency into the country, since they will not have to convert their own currency. This means that the country will be able to acquire foreign goods and services at a cheaper price, a factor that contributes to the economy. The provision of foreign exchange also helps the government to pay different bills like foreign debt and acquire foreign goods and services at a cheaper price. The other advantage of tourism is the provision of employment for the residents in the country (VISA, 2009). This advantage can be broken down into many different areas, since tourism ensures that a lot of people are employed in the country. Tourism provides employment for different people in different ways; for example, starting from the transportation attendants who help the tourism sector. As already stated, the tourism sector mainly impacts three main sector of the econom y, the transportation, accommodation and food and beverages sectors. This means that the employment provided by the tourism sector in the country is massive and holds up a major part of the economy. Other tourism commodities that increase the employment figures include travel agencies and recreational areas that tourists mainly frequent.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business communication Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business communication - Coursework Example Considering that communication takes place either verbally or non-verbal such as office memos, reports, legal documents; our choices of words and phrases, tone of the speaker’s voice, as well as our gestures, facial expression and body movements when we communicate with other people reflect our own personality. The same theory and concept applies in business communication. Basically, the use of short paragraphs that is well organized and logical reflects the speaker’s characteristics in terms of being a very organized and logical person. In case the speaker is found of using positive words, the audiences will have the impression that the speaker is optimistic in life. For example: A business communicator who does not have the ability to discuss the subject matter straight to the point is likely to send message to his/her audiences that he/she does not have a clear idea on what he/she is discussing. As a result, the audiences are expected to lose their trust and loyalty with the business

Thursday, July 25, 2019

See upload Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

See upload - Assignment Example Tax returns, copies thereof, or other records may be sufficient to establish the use of the method of accounting used in the preparation of the taxpayers income tax returns (i)  Cash receipts and disbursements method.  Generally, under the cash receipts and disbursements method in the computation of taxable income, all items which constitute gross income (whether in the form of cash, property, or services) are to be included for the taxable year in which actually or constructively received. Expenditures are to be deducted for the taxable year in which actually made. For rules relating to constructive receipt, see  §1.451-2. For treatment of an expenditure attributable to more than one taxable year, see section 461(a) and paragraph (a)(1) of  §1.461-1. (ii)  Accrual method.  (A) Generally, under an accrual method, income is to be included for the taxable year when all the events have occurred that fix the right to receive the income and the amount of the income can be determined with reasonable accuracy. Except as provided in section 5.02(2) of this revenue procedure for certain short taxable years, this revenue procedure does not permit deferral to a taxable year later than the next succeeding taxable year The court, distinguishing from the holding in Schlude v. Commissioner, held that accrual method taxpayers are not required to include prepayments in gross income when there is certainty as to when performance would occur. Verdict: the Court held that, under the accrual method, taxpayers must include as income in a particular year advance payments by way of cash, negotiable notes, and contract installments falling due but remaining unpaid during that year. Verdict: It was held that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue did not abuse his discretion in determining that the prepaid dues were taxable as income in the year in which they were actually received and in rejecting

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Term that has been coined with recent technology that is specific Essay

Term that has been coined with recent technology that is specific - Essay Example 59) This definition is similar to terms like portable computer, personal computer, notebook computer , netbook or laptop. The distinguishing feature of this device is in the fact that it is designed to be touched directly with the human hand, rather than equipped with a keyboard for typing. Not only that, it is designed to be held in the hand, rather than to sit on a desk, and it is all set up with internet function. They first came on to the market in 2002, when they were very expensive, but in the last year there have been popular mass market models such as the apple iPad. This model boasts more than 65,000 additional applications (called â€Å"aps†) which are especially designed for the tablet format, and claims to be â€Å"highly secure, stable, and responsive†. (Apple website) It is important that an average person should understand the meaning of this term in its specific usage in connection with computers so that he or she can choose which kind of computer is bes t suited to their purposes. For some people, typing is the preferred way of entering data, but others prefer handwriting or even sketching and drawing.

Plan Evaluation for Design Program Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Plan Evaluation for Design Program - Assignment Example The data collected will both be qualitative and quantitative in nature. Also in order to assess whether the teachers have understood the 5E’s mode of learning the teachers will be examined both as the workshops continue, and at the end of the series of workshops. The 5E’s mode of learning allows for better learning and understanding of scientific concepts in science subjects by students (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). Background of the Project The program is a new mode of teaching that is more effective when compared to the traditional mode of learning. The traditional mode of learning science subjects has been the use of textbooks by teachers to deliver scientific concepts to students and then later testing to assess whether the concepts have been captured by the students (Irvin, Buehl, & Radcliffe, 2006). This mode of learning encourages memorizing of facts rather than understanding them. It is for this reason that the new 5E’s mode of learning has been in troduced. This mode of learning involves a five step series of learning where students are Engaged in the first stage of learning, the next stage is Exploration followed by Explanation, Elaboration and Evaluation. At the engagement stage, an event, question or object is used to engage the students as a connection is created between what they know and what they can do. At the exploration stage, phenomena and objects are explored and hands on activities are carried out with guidance. At the explanation stage students are allowed to explain their understanding of processes and concepts as new skills and concepts are introduced to fro better understanding. At the elaboration stage students then engage in activities that enable them to apply concepts and build on their skill and understanding. In the last stage of evaluation students engage in activities that allow them to assess their skills and knowledge and teachers assess the lesson effectiveness and student development. The goals of this project are to enable teachers of science courses in middle school, give students a learning experience that is superior to the traditional approach of teaching (Lambros, 2004). The other goal is to develop the competencies and skills of the students and teachers by addressing any learning shortcomings of the textbooks. The teachers will also be developed professionally through research-based best practice. The objectives of this project on the other hand include: To equip the teachers with peer-recognized expertise in the teaching profession. Secondly, to equip the teachers with skills and knowledge that will enable them participate actively in sustained learning through their active participation in the workshops (5E’s learning model). Thirdly, to help the students be able to analyze the scientific knowledge presented in the textbooks. Fourthly, to enable students participate actively in learning by collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting and presenting qualit ative and quantitative data and incorporating this information into the broader context of the scientific knowledge (Copeland, 2005). The project will involve two professors that will be in-charge of the workshops which will be teaching the middle school teachers everything there is to know about the 5E’s model of teaching. The program will also involve twenty five teachers from middle

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Critique on Enlightenment philosophy Term Paper

A Critique on Enlightenment philosophy - Term Paper Example In fact the process of enlightenment transforms back into what it tries to separate itself from; the myth. Theodore W. Adorno (1903-1969) was a German philosopher, sociologist and musicologist. He is recognized mostly for his critical theory of society. His work is selected for this paper as the philosopher has published books specifically focusing and critiquing the concept of enlightenment. His notable works include Dialect of Enlightenment (1947) and Negative Dialects (1966). The works of other intellects used to justify the thesis includes names like Jay M. Bernstein. In his book Adorno: Disenchantment and Ethics (2001), he gives a comprehensive view of Adorno’s aesthetics and social theory. His work is used here to understand the Adorno’s critique of enlightenment in depth. Adorno’s critique of enlightenment is not about the European Enlightenment or a specific scientific thinking. It encompasses the generalized idea of enlightenment. This way there are two fields of knowledge (thinking); before enlightenment and after it. The knowledge that existed prior to enlightenment was based on faith, intangible and uncountable aspects like myth and magic. Enlightenment is thus the opposite of mythology; the process of disenchanting and demythologizing. Most of enlightenment theories exist to negate magic and myth. The mythical way in understanding the universe involves unforeseen forces or gods. What cannot be directly comprehended by mind is left to such forces. After all, if humans cannot grasp infinity, it does not mean that it doesn’t exist. Adorno and Horkheimer give extra weightage to transcendent content, which means that what is beyond the immediate thinking (knowledge) MUST be considered. Scientific thinking relies on comprehending everything. Thus there exists an inclination of ruling out what lies beyond the immediate truth. Enlightenment does not encourage imagination for imagination can

Monday, July 22, 2019

Impact of television on professional sports Essay Example for Free

Impact of television on professional sports Essay It was in late 1940’s and beginning of 1950’s that television was introduced to the common people. In the words of Marc and Thompson, â€Å"Marshall McLuhan who was earning the distinction of becoming the first ‘media critic,’ described television in the 1950’s as an ‘electronic hearth,’ a kind of proto-cyberworld fireplace, around which families were gathering during this new stage of post-industrial existence. (2005, p. 55) Following sports became completely different with the advent of television. Now there was no need to waste entire day to watch one’s favourite game in the stadium or strain one’s ears to keep track of the latest happenings in the fields through the radio. Those who had not yet brought this powerful medium of entertainment home used to be a part of â€Å"a crowd of people standing in the street in front of an appliance dealership watching TV through the store window. † (Marc and Thompson, 2005, p. 53) So people at homes or as sidewalk audiences started cheering the sportsmen for their efforts that was visible on screen. The television enhanced the status of sports as a social activity that could be viewed at the comfort of homes. It also introduced the masses to different kinds of sports. Earlier people were aware of the sports that were common in their country only. Due to television sportsmen of diverse kinds of sports became household names. Television gave the sportsmen, the fame and recognition across the continents. This was unimaginable otherwise. Boyle and Haynes observed, â€Å"today it is difficult to imagine football without television or a television schedule bereft of football. † (2004, p. 7) This observation is true in a wider context too. Television sector has undergone tremendous growth. Hundred of channels all over the world are dedicated to sports, which telecast not only the game but also each and every aspect of the players’ lives. The top sportsmen enjoy the same fan following and power as the film stars. Where there is maddening fan following and popularity, can money be behind? The salaries of the top players in all the sports have soared really high. It’s no wonder that popular games like tennis, football, cricket etc. have become businesses in their own right. There has been major commercialization of sports since 1950’s – the advent of television. Talking about football Boyle and Haynes lamented, â€Å"the increasing influence that television has exercised over the sport and the unhealthy degree to which clubs have become dependant on television income have meant that the economic aspects of the game have become of considerable interest. † (2004, p. 8) This pathetic state of affairs can be identified with the economics of other professional sports too. All the different sports can be addressed as different products. The mushrooming of rival leagues in each category of product can be compared to different brands of that category, which are constantly trying to outdo each other. This competition or war amongst the rival leagues is benefiting them but deteriorating the spirit of sports. The flow of television money has turned competitive balance into competitive imbalance. However Wigglesworth argued, â€Å"commercialism has always been present in sport in one form or another. It may have begun with the donation of prizes by local tradesmen at holy day recreations and have become more highly organized in rural sports, often sponsored by publicans. † (2007, p. 35) According to Wigglesworth commercialization has helped in the growth of professionalism. This indicates that before 1950’s it was impossible to consider sports as a profession because the players were not paid proper salaries. Thus all the players used to dabble with other professions in order to keep their kitchens running. Since the advent of television, sports have been started being recognised as one of the well-paid professions and each decade after 1950’s has seen a further hike in the players’ salary. The channel boom in the past decade has made the picture rosier for the players as far as their salaries are concerned. Talking about the growth of leagues Wigglesworth observed, â€Å" money from television coverage and all the associated media opportunities was the spur for the bigger clubs to organize themselves into a league†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (2007, p.129). He further elaborated â€Å"even cycling clubs have derived commercial benefits from increased television coverage of the sport during the 1980’s and 1990’s. â€Å"(2007, p. 132) It is since the 1980’s that the television started changing the conventional scenario of sports at a much greater pace than ever before. Some of the top rival leagues, which were created in 1960’s and 1970’s to promote sports, merged sports and media and have even started running their own sport channels, thus taking their rivalry to newer areas. The following statement of Holland paints a gloomy picture of the impact of television on sports: â€Å" As the broadcasting of sport gradually becomes as important as the event itself, there has been growing concern over the adaptation of the sports to suit the needs of television. † (2000, p. 138) It is threatening that all the sports event have become a ground of cut throat competition between the satellite, cable and terrestrial broadcasters. To get the exclusive rights of the major sporting events these parties have been bidding higher and higher. This factor has shook competitive balance to a great extent, which has started proving detrimental for the sports on the whole. So to conclude the impact of television has been both good and bad across all sports, whether it is cricket, rugby, boxing, swimming, horse riding tennis etc. It has been most beneficial to the players of popular sports, financially. The creation of rival leagues can be viewed a positive impact but growing unhealthy rivalry amongst them and competitive imbalance has been some of the drawbacks of television. In the words of Wigglesworth, â€Å"One result of the commercialization of sport through television has been the depersonalization of spectator sport with the old fashioned ‘fan’ becoming simply a customer. † (2007, p. 164). References Boyle, R. and Haynes, R. (2004). Football In The New Media Age. New York: Routledge Holland, P. (2000). The Television Handbook. (2nd ed. ). New York: Routledge. Marc, D. and Thompson, R. J. Television In The Antenna Age: A Concise History. USA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Walvin, J. (1978). Leisure and Society. UK: Longman. Wigglesworth, N. (2007). The Story Of Sport In England. New York: Routledge.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

People With Dementia In Hong Kong Social Work Essay

People With Dementia In Hong Kong Social Work Essay Nowadays, day care, or nursing home is one of centers of providing stimulation to participants with dementia and scheduling relief to caregivers. However, day care did little to resolve continuing care issues that resume upon the individual returning home while it provided tremendous relief during the hours of service. So, family caregivers still provide extraordinary, uncompensated care, predominantly in the home setting (Lavretsky et al., 2010).   Unfortunately, caregivers are often placed at great risk for negative outcomes that also compromise the well-being of the patients with dementia and heighten their risk for placement in institutional settings. As a result, caregiver needs are overlooked in most clinical and service settings, which may exacerbate the issue of care of people with dementia. Challenges of family caregivers 1. Biological perspectives Caregivers of people with dementia must manage their loved-ones activities of daily living, such as dressing, toileting, and eating. Physically, caregivers are faced with demands involving assistance with daily activities and increased daytime dysfunction compared to non-caregiving controls (McKibbin et al., 2005). Besides, sleep disturbances have deleterious effects on family caregivers health, which is also documented as being predictive of heightened risks, including cardiovascular disease (Rose et al., 2008). At the same time, fatigue may contribute to the depletion of caregivers decision to institutionalize their demented spouse (Vitaliano et al., 2003). 2. Psychological perspectives The stress of caregiving in dementia has been highlighted in numerous studies, often described as an on-going stress process (Schulz Martire, 2004). At the beginning, loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, leaving many with a sense of dread, uncertainty, fear, and shame (Gorina et al., 2006). Moreover, in one study, caregivers expressed their concerns about a lack of knowledge on the cause of illness, on the treatments available for their relative, and on the types of services available and how to access those services (Wong et al., 2003). In addition, they feel frustration when having difficulty managing drug compliance and medical follow-ups, positive symptoms, such as bizarre behaviors, excessive and uncontrollable emotions, and negative symptoms of their relatives with mental illness, such as idling at home and lying in bed all the time (Wong, 2000). Later, grief might occur in response to loss of personal freedom, worry about the future, changes in roles and role conflict, and disruptions in functioning (Holly Mast, 2009). Compared with Western culture, the sense of familial responsibility among Chinese caregivers in Hong Kong exacerbates the stress of caregiving in dementia (Wong, 2000). Social perspectives Social costs are being borne by caregivers with relatives suffering from chronic mental illness (Lowder et al., 2005). Many studies have found that family members, particularly the caregivers, experience an increase in family conflicts, limited friendship and social life, financial difficulty, change in daily routines (Wong et al., 2002; Schulz Martire, 2004; Wong, 2006).Moreover, Hong Kong caregivers scored significantly higher in social costs than the Australian caregivers (Wong et al., 2002). Considering the challenges of family caregivers above, the purpose of this article is to explore the potentiality of supporting to caregivers of people with dementia in Hong Kong, in consideration of the well-being of the patients, especially of themselves. Current situation in Hong Kong Services provided in Hong Kong In Hong Kong the service provided for caregivers of dementia people is holistic. Social Welfare Department has hotline services as well as family services centers to offer counseling, support, and referral services to carers. And the carers support cernter in it and in Caritas Hong Kong also provide support services for those who need to take care of the elderly at home. Scope of service in such kind of centers are mianly skill-training and educational programs, self-help and mutual support groups, resouce corner, couseling and referral services, information giving, demonstration of rehabilitation-aid equipment and social recreational activities (GovHK, 2006). Although there are holistic intervention programs for the caregiver of dementia person in Hong Kong, we find that those programs maily focus on how to better care for the dementia people. After analyzing the challenges faced by family caregivers above, it is necessary to put emphasis on the carers as well. Secondly, prevention programs or services for carers of people with dementia which is diagnosed at the first stage are mentioned little. However, the prevention is important for carers as they may know the difficulties early and have the psychological preparation for all the possible challenges in order to provide better service for patients or supportive strength for themselves. Thirdly, the majority of intervention programs aim at primary caregivers. Nevertheless, according to the systemic family perspective (Yan, 2003), family is ecological. Although the primary caregiver is responsible for the daily care of the dementia elder, all family members will experience stresses. In ord er to establish a new equilibrium of family dynamics, roles and relationships, power and boundary restructuring are needed to be adjusted to the changing situation. Therefore, family as a system to be considered when an intervention plan is adopted is necessary and helpful to maintain a harmony and consolidate environment. 2. Policies supported Prior to World War 2, no community-based psychiatric service was available for people with mental illness in Hong Kong. These individuals were put into asylums run by charitable organizations, such as Tung Wah services (Yip, 1998). During 1960s and 1970s, very few community-based facilities, such as half-way houses and sheltered workshops for mentally ill persons were established (Wong, 2006). In 1982, the incident that an acutely psychotic person went into kindergarten, injured, and even killed a number of children created a scare in the community. As a consequence, the Hong Kong government took more responsibility in financing social and vocational rehabilitation services. In the early 1990s, psychiatric inpatient and community rehabilitation services have undergone many changes (Wong, 2006). However, there are several limitation of the mental health care system and policies. First of all is lack of direction and coordination of service. Whereas various political, social, and cultural conditions may have shaped the development and setting of different priorities in different countries, the Hong Kong SAR government still has not established an overall mental health policy to guide the development of mental health services in Hong Kong, even though various mental health acts have been legally endorsed in such countries as the United States, and Canada. Secondly, delivery of mental health services is inadequate. In Hong Kong, the dominant service delivery mode is still largely office-based, with a nine-to-five working schedule. Very few services operated on the weekends and after office hours. Therefore, when caregivers need professional help, their relative with chronic mental illness who is passive to treatment may not be able to receive timely interventions. Thirdly, ther e is a lack of community rehabilitation services. Currently, four government subsidized resource centers are available, but three of these four centers have been funded by the Social Welfare Department of Hong Kong only since October 2003. Moreover, lack of use of informal care is also a limitation. In Hong Kong, only several government-subsidized relative resource centers exist along with a few self-help groups with small memberships. The mental health care system has not fully utilized the resources available from these informal and networks (Wong, 2006). Finally, resources are lack for caregivers of people with dementia. At present, most of the resources in mental health care have been put into services for people with serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, and very few resources have been devoted to establishing services for caregivers of people with mental illness, especially with dementia, within the misunderstanding of dementia as a normal phenomenon among the elderly . Moreover, some social workers may not have the clinical knowledge and skills in mental health to perform psychiatric assessment and counseling for caregivers and their relative with illness. Strategies on how to do prevention and intervention When to intervene? According to Rabins (1994), prevention can be categorized into three types: primary prevention, in which a disorder is prevented from occurring; secondary prevention, in which an intervention is provided early when the disorder is identified; and tertiary prevention, in which morbidity occurs, but long-term consequences of disorder are diminished after appropriate intervention (Rabins, 1994). A primary-prevention strategy would aim at families at risk and most current caregiver-intervention studies are secondary- prevention studies. They focus on individuals who have sought help from an organization. Identifying individuals who are at great risk of developing impairment due to social, financial, physical, intrapersonal, or interpersonal resources limit early in the course of caregiving could improve the use of existing services and prevent them from exacerbating more serious problems. Tertiary prevention, that is to minimize the morbidity of individuals who have clearly developed undesirable outcomes because of caregiving (Rabins, 1994). Based on the three phases, different interventions are used. Prevention programs can be applied to the family members with elderly people who might become possible patients or the caregivers of dementia people who have been diagnosed at an early stage. Public education programs about dementias can be useful to those families with elderly people. Also, people need to be encouraged to communicate with dementia patients or their caregivers to understand the possible challenges they may meet which also can be a way to support the existent caregivers. Besides, psycho-education group is another good way to help caregivers which offers support, knowledge and skills training. For the intervention plans, they are mostly applied to the carers who have already faced the difficulties and felt challenged for themselves as well as the patients during the caring. They may encounter the problems from biological and psychological perspectives. Moreover, they face the challenges of lacking family supp ort as well as social support which make them feel suffering. As a result, the following part will introduce the intervention plan for carers of dementia elderly. Different aspects to intervene a. Biological aspect It can be counterproductive for family members to continue caring for their relatives when they are under bad healthy situation, so it is necessary for family caregivers to recharge their energy by taking a break from caring for their relatives. They should be encouraged and helped to establish more fulfilling and interesting social lives or they can choose a relaxer such as aerobics, massage, watching movies with friends (Stehman, Strachan, Glenner, Glenner, Neubauer, 1996). Moreover, some skills such as Body scan (Stehman, et al., 1996) can calm the caregiver down when he or she feels stressful or has tight tension. Regular body examination is necessary for the carers as well. b. Psychological aspects According to psychological problems of caregivers, the most serious points are distress, low self-efficacy which can lead to depression and anger during the caring process (Gallagher-Thompson, 1994). When counseling with the carers, listening is valuable to them as they always need someone to listen to their feelings and experience which is a way of release (Marshall Tibbs, 2006). Moreover, using psycho-educational intervention programs can be helpful in which two programs were developed. One is Increasing Life Satisfaction, the one that focused on handling depression by increasing the frequency of engagement in pleasant activities, and the other one is Coping with Frustration which aims at anger-management skills and reducing the frequency as well as intensity of anger feelings (Gallagher-Thompson, 1994). Both of the two programs are developed from cognitive-behavioral perspective. And the duration can be last 10 sessions at three-month intervals between every three sessions. Secondly, other caregiver training programs which provide support to enhance positive emotion are always needed. The training shares two major goals: to improve caregivers ability to cope with the stress of caregiving and to empower caregivers by developing problem-solving strategies (Kaplan, 1996). The ability of solving problems when caring often relates to the cognitive status and will influence the stress level. Another pivotal aim is to increase the self-efficacy of carers. Since self-efficacy of caregivers relates to their physical and mental health and high level of depression may lead to low self-efficacy and more burden to caregivers, it is particularly significant to enhance the self-efficacy of caregivers (Fortinsky, Kulldorff, Kleppinger, Kenyon-Pesce, 2009). In a word, efficient intervention to help caregivers improve their problem-solving skills and thus enhance self-efficacy and reduce the stress as well as negative emotion such as guilty or anger is important when considering the psychological aspect. c. Family support As mentioned before, balanced family dynamics and support from other members are benefit to both the patient and the caregiver. Intervention programs that attempt to help the family members develop proper attitudes toward their relatives, acquire basic information on the day-to-day management of their relatives, improve communication skills are found to be useful. Indeed, it is necessary for the worker to see family members as partners and resources in the care of people with dementia disease. Family therapy (Marshall Tibbs, 2006) is traditionally practised in dysfunctional families and usually it is useful when families are under stress. Viewing dementia as a family problem rather than a problem for a single person, or the person and the carer, can be very constructive. In the family system, normally there are some subsytems such as siblings relationship, parent-child relationship, and marital relationship. And when one of the members have demetia problem, conflict or argument arises under the stressful environment. Under this circumstances, better communication and intimate relationship help to cope with the crisis (Quinn Herndon, 1986). The family had a clear but flexible boundary, which allowed other systems come in to provide assistance. The family members were also flexible in adjusting different roles and positioning in the family to achieve stability. So having family counseling, and involve all the possible members to discuss and share with each other is importa nt. Under the agreement, the members can support each other and the burden or emotional problem can be eased. d. Social support Caregiver support groups throughout the community to help people better cope with complex issues is necessary like the groups provided by Alzheimers Community Care (Caregiver Support Groups, 2010). Besides, it concludes one special service called 24-hour crisis line to provide crisis intervention. Such kind of intervention is quite useful because it will stabilize and coordinate emergency resources and advocate for the patient and caregiver. Moreover, it ensures the patient to achieve the optimum level of functioning, enabling the patient to remain in the least restrictive setting. Educational support group is an intervention used by the majority of the programs. The objectives are to help caregivers develop knowledge about dementia and the process of caring for someone with the disease; to assist caregivers to learn about the resources and services available to them and to support them in their experience of caregiving and in their need for self-care. Small groups of less than fifteen people can be offered to deepen and personalize the knowledge gained through the seminars. Caregivers feel more at ease to raise their concerns and questions. Moreover, workers can have the time to address concerns and issues selected from them. Enhanced Home and community services (EHCCS) program provided by Social Welfare Department of Hong Kong and Carer support Group organized by Hong Kong Alzheimer`s Disease Association offer such kind of platform for carers. Caregivers can get professional resources and emotional support from the sharing of experienced carers. Besides, resp ite care (Lawton, 1994) allows caregiver to be temporarily relieved of the responsibility for care. It qualifes as a broad generalized intervention because it supplies the wherewithal of time for the caregiver to do whatever he or she wishes-a ture open-ended intervention. Moreover, case management services provided by community help caregivers to negotiate the social services or health care system. Through this way, multiple professionals can be gethered to support and meet the needs of caregivers and patients. At last, social workers also can help through home visiting and offering couseling. During the helping process, communication skills and techniques such as nomalization, attending and miracle questions are needed to encourage caregivers to share and express their negative emotions and thus to assess the caregivers problem and help. When doing the couseling, music and art therapy can be an opportunity for carers to enjoy and improve the quality of life. 3. Suggestion for policies First of all, the provision of psychiatric care involves such different departments as health care, social services, education, and vocational training, and involves different professionals such as psychiatrists, occupational therapists, psychologists, and social workers. Different operation units have their own sets of criteria and procedures for accepting service user. It is easy to appreciate the difficulties and confusion family members face when accessing the mental health care system. Therefore, a systemic, comprehensive health care policy should be established, which provide the family caregivers with information on the various services available and secure the services for his or her relative. Secondly, since a large number of mentally ill individuals live with their family, and some these family members have taken up the caring roles, the government has the responsibility to provide resources and funding to support these family members. In essence, if family members can adequately perform their caring roles, it may reduce the chance of their relatives relapse and consequently fewer hospitalizations will occur. Finally, in order to increase the familys functioning of caring the dementia people in Hong Kong, the government needs to administer more resources to agencies that provide individual and group counseling for caregivers of people suffering from serious and mild psychiatric illness. Conclusion

Historical Perspectives of Male Nursing

Historical Perspectives of Male Nursing Rachelle Neighbarger Introduction Predominantly, nursing has always been considered as female dominated profession guided by extreme stereotypical perceptions of sexuality. Generally, the nursing profession is marred by wide apparitions of gender imbalance on the perception that nursing has its foundation in the prospects of Florence Nightingale thereby ever since it is often defined as a marginalized profession most suitable and deserving for women. The public at large has the preset perception that men who settle for nursing as their profession do so simply because they were rejected into a medical school and for self actualization purposes. Many at times those men who settle on nursing as their career choice often do so simply because they failed in a particular field and many at times they usually end up quitting their jobs the first few years. This is simply because men in the nursing industry experience a great deal of discrimination and professional barriers that generally inhibit their full specialty that pus hes them to hold onto such a job for long. However, this stereotypical perception does not help in the push for more number of nurses be it male or female who simply get into the profession for purposes of caring for individuals who are ill or need close medical attention on a round the clock basis. Historical Perspective of Male Nursing In the long run, the stereotypical perceptions lead to male nurses being discriminated against where there full working rights are denied on the basis of socially constricted gender roles. Take for instance, situations in the nursing profession where male nurses cannot be promoted to leadership role on the basis of their gender, with regards to varied forms of nursing training which leads to their exclusion in practicing in fields like gynecology or obstetrics. Perhaps it is simply because of their lack of will to practice in these fields or poor networking or rather the basic underlying problem-gender discrimination. The numbers of men enrolling in nursing educational programs is minimal, a majority of those enrolling are the female counterparts; perhaps this trend is conceptualized by the fact that the nursing profession is perceived with a feminine touch to caring (Paterson Saydack, 1996). This paper thus seeks to examine how the man has adapted to the nursing profession, the his torical background of male nursing, the advantages and disadvantages of practicing as a male nurse, infer on the impact of men turning to nursing as a profession and finally juxtapose all the aforementioned details with a slight touch of personal perception of men in the nursing industry. Underpinned in this paper’s discussion of male nursing is a clear cut inference of discrimination in the nursing profession that is guided by gender-based stereotypical connection. Historical Background In the 20th Century specifically during Florence Nightingale’s time, nursing was considered a woman-only occupation were men were strongly vilified and perceived as being incapable of offering any caring services simply because of they had ‘horny’ hands that were considered unfavorable to care offer thus prompting their exclusion from the profession of nursing (Kippenbrock, 2010). Furthermore, males are considered to lack empathy as opposed to their female counterparts who are considered to have varied ways of expressing their feelings thereby easily getting in touch with their patients more easily. In actual sense, there exists documentation that men played the roles of nurses in Egypt dating back to 250 B.C.E; Nightingale professionalizing nursing is what has created the existing dispersed discrepancy where it is mostly defined as a woman profession while on the other hand being greatly marginalized to men. The existence of a marginalized profession has thus pus hed our education system where a majority of those allowed to enroll into school are female and even if a man gets to successfully finish his nursing education, it is a daunting task for them to practice comfortably in the nursing profession simply because of their gender makes them to be discriminated against. On a broader perspective, even if a man successfully gets to be enrolled into a satisfying nursing profession there still exists numerous prohibitions that inhibit their career progress simply because they are channeled into departments that do not help them grow personally. Take for instance the case of the Canadian Forces or rather the avert United States Army which up until 1967 did not give authority for men to sign up into their systems for nursing. Irrespective of the fact that there was constant development in the nursing profession allowing men to practice, legally by 1970 male nurses were still being barred from making rotations in some sections of hospitals. Analysis of literature related to nursing demonstrates that only a minimal number of men practice nursing, a trend that is fuelled by the larger prospect of women and men nursing registries being separated from each other thus closing out some nursing privileges like further education to the male nurses who have the will power to grow in the profession just like their female counterparts. Patients are also not to be left out in the historical description of the nursing profession as being inclined towards the men; most patients have always considered their nurses to being female, a survey c arried out by Bernard Nodes Group demonstrates that a majority of patients irrespective of their age and gender preferred to be attended to by female nurses as opposed to the males whom they found really awkward offering care services to them. Pros and Con of Men Practicing as Nurses Reflections on the introduction and the historical background of male nursing, it is evident that this is a profession muddled with great gender-related discrimination that is inclined to have a feminist touch. With the aforementioned details in mind and after scouring through various peer reviewed articles on male nursing, it was deductible that the cons outweigh the cons when it comes to men taking the turn of choosing nursing as a preferable profession for them. Important to note above all is the fact that when pushed by personal will to go after something, one is usually self-driven into attaining their set goals irrespective of what the general public thinks of their choice; similarly as a man when one is willing to pursue nursing as a career, nothing stops them. Firstly, the nursing profession though gradually evolving has always been guided by the traditional Victorian family ideology where the role of men is to be ‘doctors’ considered as heads of organizations, t he women taking up a latter role of being the handmaiden which is in most cases defined as the nursing role and finally the patient role is played by children who need to be taken care of by doctors and handmaidens. It thus became a tradition that the role of being a nurse was strictly meant for women which in the long run has pushed men away from enrolling into nursing schools. Irrespective of the fact that this model is no longer practiced in the nursing profession, a great deal of nurses is guided by its tenets as evident by the dominance of women in this profession. The fact that there exists extensive barriers in the way of men enrolling into the nursing profession; men usually exhibit varied difficulties before they turn out as clinical nursing professionals. Society’s perception of nursing as a female profession exerts extreme pressure on men who sign up to be nurses; they are expected to perform way better in comparison to their female counterparts. Another issue that is a disadvantage for males enrolling for nursing from an educational setting to a hospital setting, males is generally outnumbered. To an extent it pushes them to a higher level of scrutiny and the education curriculum is inclined to only suit female students. The fact that they are male also in many circumstances dictates that they be given heavy tasks, in other situations, they could also miss out on educational opportunities like scholarships for nurses which in many circumstances are usually meant for female students. Though it is rarely experienced, male nurses are often ridiculed on the basis of their gender and it is an issue that keeps many from pursuing a nursing career; men are scared of being ridiculed for signing up for a female dominated profession. The general public looks down upon men who are nurses which in the long run push the men nurses to be stigmatized and perform their duties with extreme anxiety and in some cases it becomes stressful for them. On the offset, a flip on the other side of the coin demonstrates that men who turn to nursing as their preferred profession have an upper hand when handling medical cases. Patients prefer being handled by a male nurse as they consider they are confident in handling critical situations in which the female counterparts in some instances cannot be handle comfortably (Thetis Roberts, 2008). Men enrolling in nursing school also demonstrate a drive by men to help curb the nationwide shortage of nurses which with regards to World Health Organization data that suggests there has been a drop in nurses between the year 2000 and 2001 (Burth, 2005). Men filling up the deteriorating gap are ideal way which is not only beneficial to governments but also has great salary packages that a great deal of people are willing and greatly looking forward to earning such paychecks. The misguided notion that nursing is meant for women should not deter any male from pursuing their dream of being professional nurses; it should be a stepping stone towards the path of offering care services to the medically ill and needy so that the basic prospect of nursing is attained and generally achieved in the long run. Provision of intimate care for male patients has always been a problem for female nurses, men enrolling as nurses helps cater for such an issue in the medical industry. Personal Statement on Male Nursing Making the decision of becoming a male nurse comes with a great deal of responsibility and the need to be prepared for varied proponents considering that it is a female dominated field. In actual sense, gender is not in any way beneficial to anybody with regards to turn towards offering medical services to patients. Furthermore, women in a working environment tend to be more open to their male counterparts as opposed to their fellow women thereby creating a conducive environment for working where all and sundry can share their experiences thus establishing a working environment where nurses have a broader sense of belonging. With the extensive strides being made in nursing that is aimed to changing the public’s perception of nursing as a female profession, more and more men are continuously turning to be great nurses though in minimal numbers but the change is eminent. Although the nursing fraternity has opened its arms wide open for men, some aspect of the nursing profession are still hostile to male nurses; take an example of a situation involving a mother-baby rotation, the patient in this case-a woman will not be willing for a male nurse attend she will strongly prefer that all her care needs be handled by a female nurse. That aside, the general population of patients has received male nurses attending to them with a warm heart though in the beginning the reception of being attended to by a male nurse is usually a surprised one but later they get warmed up to the general idea. The most important thing when dealing with discrimination against male nurses is attending to the foundational problem of men not being willing enough to sign up for , finding ways of changing this perception by the men themselves is the first step towards transitioning nursing from a female dominated field to one which is accommodative to people of both sexes. Impact of Male Nursing on the Nursing Profession Men play an instrumental role in service provision in the nursing environment with a unique combination of skill set, a fact that has prompted the need for governments to turn into a rigorous exercise of recruiting and accepting men into the nursing profession which retrospectively caters for the problem of a deteriorating workforce. Men turning to nursing as a profession of choice, is good news for the looming nursing scarcity which has been experienced lately; men joining the equation is the most ideal and probable way by which this shortage can be catered for. Demographics relating to nurse numbers have been changing over the years with the acceptance of more men towards the profession: in the late 20th Century male nurse numbers was estimated at around 45,060 but by spin of over two decades down the line the number of male nurses has gradually developed to levels of 568,185 male nurses in the United States (Barkley, 2010). Great steps are being made by nursing organizations that have pushed for recruitment initiatives mainly targeted towards pushing more men to enroll into nursing schools and now currently scholarships targeted to male students are being offered. Consequently, personal appeals are being made to students in an effort to turn their misperception as a career meant only for women. Important in the whole transitioning process from a female dominated profession to a multifaceted one is the fact that the healthcare industry is offering comparatively high wages for nurses coupled up with the ideal of stable employment opportunities. References Barkley, K. (2010). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration . Retrieved 2015 13-January from The Registered Nurse Population: Initial Findings from the 2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses: , Burth, A. (2005). Gender bias and discrimination in nursing education. Can we change it? Nurse Educator , 64-65. Kippenbrock, S. (2010). School of nursing variables related to male student college choice. Journal of Nursing Education , 118-121. Paterson, T., Saydack, C. (1996). Learning to care: Gender issues for male nursing students. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research , 25-39. Thetis, M. G., Roberts, J. I. (2008). Nursing, Physician Control and Monopoly. Indianapolis: Indiana Univeristy Press.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

How I Will Grow From My MBA Experience Essay -- MBA Admissions Essay

Growth is an essential trait that builds people toward success. That being said, no two individuals are the same. However, like any challenge in life, the more effort and practice dedicated to a specific task, the sharper those skills become. Today’s world is continually altering into an ever more complex and highly competitive place. For this reason, people are being challenged, more than ever before, to pursue more education, increase their background of skills, and to carve their own personal niche that places them ahead of everyone else. Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford University says, â€Å"individuals with a growth mind-set believe that intelligence can be developed, like muscles† (Heath, Jul/Aug 2007, Issue 117). With this sort of mentality, you should continually push yourself for results, embrace challenges that test your abilities, and seek opinions about yourself from others. Working at Great American Opportunities has proven to me that growth is an essential part of business success. Knowing this, it becomes apparent that personal growth is the only way to ensure that we can acclimate ourselves for the next obstacle that life has to offer. Understanding of Leadership and Areas of Growth Understanding the process of growth plays an important role within a person’s concept of leadership. Leadership can be understood as an individual’s influence over a particular person or group that enables them to complete a shared and specific goal. Having studied Ken Blanchard’s (May 2008) model of situational leadership, I believe that leadership can be broken down into four main categories: â€Å"directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating† (p. 19). Blanchard then drives his process a little deeper and explains the ... ...m Christian Brothers University. Knowing that growth is not a one-time action, I plan to frequently ask myself the questions surrounding this assignment in an effort to continue my growth beyond the points I have already stated. References Blanchard, K. (2008). Situational leadership. Leadership Excellence, 25(5), 19-19. Retrieved from Heath, C., & Heath, D. (2007). Leadership is a muscle. Fast Company, (117), 62-63. Retrieved from Lombardo, M. M., & Eichinger, R. W. (2009). For your improvement: A guide for developing and coaching (5th ed.) Logimer International: A Korn/Ferry Company.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Struggles Within the Middle East: United States Supplying Israel During

In October of 1973, a war between the Arabic states of Egypt and Syria and the state of Israel broke out known as the Yom Kippur War. Being vastly overwhelmed by the Arabic states in terms of sheer volume of troops and equipment, Israel turned toward its ally in the West, the United States. With profound diplomatic pressure from multiple Arabic states, the United States found itself in an increasingly difficult position. In an effort to create the best outcome for America in both the Middle East and the global theatre, the United States made the decision, knowing full well the possible consequences, to help supply Israel during the Yom Kippur War. On October 6th, 1973, during the Jewish holy day of atonement, Yom Kippur, a surprise attack transpired, catching Israel off-guard and potentially putting over sovereign nations in a precarious position pertaining to Middle Eastern foreign affairs. The governments of Egypt and Syria, knowing that Yom Kippur was the holiest Jewish day of prayer and fasting that the Jewish military actively participated in, knew that they would be able to catch the well-defended Israeli positions off-guard. By combining their military might, the Egyptian army created a combined force that totaled the forces of NATO in Western Europe, creating a potential security threat to first world nations. In Golan Heights, the Syrian tank force outmatched Israeli by nine to one, and in the Suez region the Egyptian forces outnumber the Israeli by a ratio of one-hundred and sixty to one. Both sides, willing to commit both their men and equipment, were willing to sacrifice in order to gain their necessary victory. W illing to sacrifice their equipment, all sides in the war were looking outward toward other nations in or... ...rael during the war. With a fear that failure to maintain the balance of power in the Middle East, while trying to drive Soviet influence out, could upset America’s interests and security in the Global theatre, United States officials made the decision that supplying Israel during the Yom Kippur War was in America’s best interest the long term. Works Cited U.S. State Department. Middle East Task Force. Situation Report #18. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981. U.S. State Department. Middle East Task Force. Situation Report #22. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981. U.S. State Department. Middle East Task Force. The Middle East Conflict and U.S. Oil Interests. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981. The White House. Memorandum of Conversation, October 9, 1973. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1981.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Health Care Museum Essay

My proposal for a new health care hall of fame museum would include several things. My museum will pay tribute to the five most significant developments in the evolution of health care in the United States. These developments has helped change and save the lives of many people. Exhibit 1: Vaccines and Medications Vaccines and Medications are very important. With these two we have had a significant decrease in the number of people that were hospitalized or caused death. With the â€Å"advances in medical science† you can be protected against more diseases. Medicines can either heal, prevent, or stop diseases or a sickness. Medicine can be used in the form of a tablet, syrup, drugs, and exercise. When we get sick we take medicine for many different reasons. With the help of medicine it will â€Å"restore us back to normal†. Exhibit 2: Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease If you do not have control of infectious diseases from spreading, then we all can be at risk of a big epidemic of disease that are contagious. You have different community partners and health care providers that work with people to discuss the pros and cons of the infectious diseases. We all should work together to prevent the spreading of any kind of germ. This can be something as simple as washing your hands more frequently throughout the day. You would also use vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Exhibit 3: Technology Technology is a great advancement for the health fields, especially now that it is improving every day. Technology has become an important source to obtain medical information. Everyone is using technology on so many  different ways. They are using it to reach â€Å"wider populations,† contact with patients, public awareness, community outreach, and any questions that you may have medically, you can chat with doctors and nurses online as well. Exhibit 4: Medical Equipment Medical Equipment is something I choose, because with the different types of medical equipment it can save many lives. You have different types of medical equipment. â€Å"Diagnostic medical imaging machines† are used to help with diagnosis. MRI, Ultrasound, CT scanner equipment is used to maintain a person’s function. These are just some of the medical equipment’s. You also have other machines that monitor your vital organs in your body. Like EKG machines to monitor your heart, lung and dialysis machines. Exhibit 5: Oxygen Oxygen is needed by all living organism. Without oxygen humans will not be able to survive. In institutions like hospitals, they keep a supply of oxygen in stock that is provided to patients who have difficulty breathing. We must take care of ourselves in order to have a longer life span and in order to live healthy. All of my exhibits that are presented to you, I feel are very important and vital in the health care field. These are all thing that we need in the health care and in order to survive. Reference 1. Health Statistics. Health U.S. 2010: With Special features on death and dying. Hyattsville MD:CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, 2011

Community Services Essay

1.Five items that I would include in the agenda disputation are the name of the person who is coordinate the concussion, attendees (people who allow for be attending e.g., stakeholders), the last beat of the meeting, the scheduled end time of the meeting and the matters for disputeion such as feedbacks or housing.2.Information that I may take in to gather when preparing for Dannys pillow racing shell concentrateing are Dannys background narration in regards to support service that he may feature been using in the past whether he has been successful or not and if Danny is eligible for any another(prenominal) serve and the criteria that f in alls into.3.The purpose of the slickness management meeting is to demonstrate a birth with the client so that the client washbowl feel confident creation represented at the meeting and the concerns that would be reflected in the agenda for example alcohol is Dannys concern. As a object lesson manager I should be assured of t he clients objectives in the meeting and allowing the client the opportunity to indicate an agreement with the objectives such as in Dannys case it is a feel dexterity course.4.My rights, roles and responsibility as Dannys case manager would be to work with Danny to get through the goals that he has identified, providing him with information near assorted services that are available to him and inform him the puzzle outions of his outcomes. I get out likewise change Danny to make decisions about his own life even if I wont agree to it. Dannys rights, roles and responsibilities would be to actively participate in his case plan, to be problematical in identifying his own ask and to be attending all of his appointments with his case manager.5.Two statutory conveyments I must let on when obtaining information from other stakeholders are independence of Information issue 1982 and Privacy Act 1988.6.Three key factors that would be important to image that Dannys case is ope rating at heart the appropriate legislative requirements is respecting Dannys confidentiality and also protecting his personal information from unaccredited disclosure. Informing Danny about the nature of all the services being provided to him and obtaining consent from Danny if he chooses to continue to withdraw from the services and eventually responding to Dannys requests of information about the representation that I, my organisation, or the stakeholders are working on.7.I lead record the outcomes of the meeting by victorious effective case notes during the meeting and make a summary of what has happened in the meeting. solely of the records has to be clearly labelled, dated and stored onward somewhere safety locked in a filing cabinet.8.Three boundaries that I read to discuss with Danny are about my relationship with him kernel that it should be professional e.g. not to have a dual relationship, explaining to Danny on the startle meeting that my work is set to focus on the work that I ordain be doing for him and also explaining my limits and availability to him as his case worker.9.The two decision make process would be to keep Danny involved and informed and also deciding gain support services that Danny may require for his wellbeing.10.Two strategies that I would put in govern would be to maintain professional boundaries with Danny and reminding Danny that the relationship is professional and only informing Danny when I would feel that it may be getting blurred for him e.g. when Danny might expect me to act as his friend. I would also reverse any conflict of interest and as his case manager I leave have to familiarise myself with the agencies code of support in order to use it as a guide line to establish a relationship with Danny. I testament have to be mindful of my demeanor such as the use of my phrase and taking the right actions to contact Danny orthogonal of work hours.11.Two key concerns that I need to consider is the loca tion of the programs or services and if it is located in Dannys corporation and if the stakeholders are suited for Dannys take and if Danny is motivated enough to do it.12.As Dannys case worker I get out inform Danny with information about the grudge process so that Danny knows what he can do if he is unhappy with the services or his case management process. Danny will also be informed about the complaint procedures and policies and if he is required to scarf out any kinds of paper work, and notifying Danny of how the complaints will be documented, the actions that will be taken, who will be responsible or what community will determine the outcomes and Dannys right to appeal.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Printing Press

The stamp Press in that location experience been some beta patterns oer the historical millennium. Many of them cook helped dramatis personae familiarity into what it is forthwith. None however have contributed as much to the valet de chambre as the opinion twinge has. The scoreing push was invented in the year 1440 by Johann Gutenberg of Mainz, Ger macrocosmy an(prenominal). The im affect put forward consisted of a large squash which held plates where movable type could be inserted to import out entire books page by page. The recommend was either operated by a large screw or prize which wedgeed the inked letters onto the sheet of paper.Once by means of and finished and through with(p) the letters had to be rearranged to make the following(a) page and then repeated for to each one b be-ass page in the book. This execute however slow was much sudden than the old method of hand composition the books and great deal cheaper as well. The initiation of the feeling reduce was the most all-important(prenominal) cunning of the stand firm millennium because it scattering out ideas throughout Europe, forever altered unexampled alliance and it gave the common people actor and the chance to become literate. The stamp extort was the most important musical compositioneuver of the pass away millennium because it allowed numerous important ideas and opinions to be more(prenominal)(prenominal) easily widesp require to the familiar earthly concern.The mental picture calf love helped the sptake of ideas through the production of books. The ability to mass enhance books and pamphlets helped more political attracters dot their views to the in the public eye(predicate) more easily. These views of the political attractors, sound or bad were now kind to the prevalent public. The ability to demo leaders views and form public opinions helped mould the initiation into what it is like a shot. Printed books also explored ideas on acquaintance and technology which helped bring forth scientific knowledge that squ be offd the scientific revolution.The press gave emancipation to the general public in a impertinently form of cheek of thought. People now had a new way of recording their thoughts and sharing it with former(a)(a)s. This license of expressive print was very liberating for ones center could reach many in a short date. The imprint press creation was important to people in many fields for it allowed the political top executives to continue to expand, it provides the hazard to sh be scientific knowledge and it allowed the public freedom to sh be in print format. Modern society was abnormal in many authoritative ways because of the mental picture press.One of the ways that society is affected by this fraud from so many days ago is that it brought about the standardization of save out and grammar. This was and still is important because it brought about the sentience that in order to properly channel there would need to be a standardized form of spell and spell rules. This set standard form of recite graded many rows and made the write communication of them easy in the foregone and still today. The second way that its affects are noted still today is it helped mete out religious views to various corners of the demesne in print format.The importance of this is that this source of books such(prenominal)(prenominal) as the bible or other religious books allowed religious views to be convey about and shared in the mansion rather than just organism a cognitive content listened to at church. It provided common pen messages and because of this many religions such as Christianity could be pass on easier throughout the gentleman. These religious literature formed a common human foot for religion to be prevalent today. some other way in which society was affected by the imprint press is that it helped the worlds technology advance sudden.Peop le could allow to buy factual books and educate themselves through reading. The more educated that people became, the more they searched for ways to make life offend with their knowledge they had acquired from reading books. immediatelys society still largely relies on indite print as a way to gain knowledge. Modern society and its advancement in scripted words structure religious followings and technologies advancement are rooted in the history of the impression press and would look much diverse today if the printing press had not been invented.The designing of the printing press allowed many ordinary citizens the chance to own a book and perk up to read. Before the institution of the printing press the cost and conviction to make a book check the owning of a book to the very wealthy. hitherto with the invention of the printing press as well as the newly effectuate knowledge of how to make paper from the Arabs printing books became rather inexpensive and much little(p renominal) time consuming. These important advancements made it so average people could now founder to buy books, people began to curb how to read and therefore more opinions and ideas were spread.Literacy rates change and with this knowledge it allowed the common peasants power to witness what was happening in their country. This power of organism literate was important because it provided them prospect to invention to make life rectify for oneself. at present books still have an importance for having books and macrocosm literate is important because if one fag end read and witness things in their world it gives one choices of how they washbowl interact with others. The printing press was the most important invention of the last millennium.Its set up were important in 1440 to spread political, scientific and technological ideas. Its make are still important today in spell and grammar, religion and in nonfiction education. It gave people power to be owners of printed m aterial and it promoted a desire to learn to educate oneself to read. The printing press was crucial in the advancement of society. Power in written form is a inventory to learn from and expand from. The printing press allowed societies historical events and ideas to be memorialed and allowed man to learn from the past to progress the future.The Printing PressThe Printing Press at that place have been many important inventions over the past millennium. Many of them have helped shape society into what it is today. None however have contributed as much to the world as the printing press has. The printing press was invented in the year 1440 by Johann Gutenberg of Mainz, Germany. The printing press consisted of a large press which held plates where movable type could be inserted to spell out entire books page by page. The press was either operated by a large screw or open which pressed the inked letters onto the sheet of paper.Once through the letters had to be rearranged to make t he adjoining page and then repeated for each new page in the book. This subprogram however slow was much faster than the old method of hand committal to writing the books and great deal cheaper as well. The invention of the printing press was the most important invention of the last millennium because it spread ideas throughout Europe, forever altered youthful society and it gave the common people power and the chance to become literate. The printing press was the most important invention of the last millennium because it allowed many important ideas and opinions to be more easily widespread to the general public.The printing press helped the spread of ideas through the production of books. The ability to mass micturate books and pamphlets helped many political leaders spread their views to the public more easily. These views of the political leaders, beneficial or bad were now affectionate to the general public. The ability to read leaders views and form public opinions help ed shape the world into what it is today. Printed books also explored ideas on information and technology which helped bring forth scientific knowledge that shaped the scientific revolution.The press gave freedom to the general public in a new form of grammatical construction of thought. People now had a new way of recording their thoughts and sharing it with others. This freedom of expressive print was very liberating for ones message could reach many in a short time. The printing press invention was important to people in many fields for it allowed the political powers to continue to expand, it provides the opportunity to share scientific knowledge and it allowed the public freedom to share in print format. Modern society was affected in many crucial ways because of the printing press.One of the ways that society is affected by this invention from so many old age ago is that it brought about the standardization of recite and grammar. This was and still is important because it brought about the awareness that in order to properly choke there would need to be a standardized form of spelling and spelling rules. This set standard form of spelling shaped many languages and made the written communication of them easy in the past and still today. The second way that its affects are noted still today is it helped spread religious views to various corners of the world in print format.The importance of this is that this source of books such as the bible or other religious books allowed religious views to be read about and shared in the sign rather than just organism a message listened to at church. It provided common written messages and because of this many religions such as Christianity could be spread easier throughout the world. These religious writings formed a common sensual for religion to be prevalent today. other way in which society was affected by the printing press is that it helped the worlds technology advance faster.People could knuckle under to buy factual books and educate themselves through reading. The more educated that people became, the more they searched for ways to make life better with their knowledge they had acquired from reading books. Todays society still largely relies on written print as a way to gain knowledge. Modern society and its advancement in written language structure religious followings and technologies advancement are rooted in the history of the printing press and would look much divergent today if the printing press had not been invented.The invention of the printing press allowed many ordinary citizens the chance to own a book and learn to read. Before the invention of the printing press the cost and time to make a book particular the owning of a book to the very wealthy. barely with the invention of the printing press as well as the newly found knowledge of how to make paper from the Arabs printing books became rather inexpensive and much less time consuming. These important advancement s made it so average people could now apply to buy books, people began to learn how to read and therefore more opinions and ideas were spread.Literacy rates alter and with this knowledge it allowed the common peasants power to understand what was happening in their country. This power of being literate was important because it provided them opportunity to envision to make life better for oneself. Today books still have an importance for having books and being literate is important because if one can read and understand things in their world it gives one choices of how they can interact with others. The printing press was the most important invention of the last millennium.Its effects were important in 1440 to spread political, scientific and technological ideas. Its effects are still important today in spelling and grammar, religion and in nonfiction education. It gave people power to be owners of printed material and it promoted a desire to learn to educate oneself to read. The printing press was crucial in the advancement of society. Power in written form is a document to learn from and expand from. The printing press allowed societies historical events and ideas to be documented and allowed man to learn from the past to progress the future.