Thursday, February 20, 2020

Media Meanings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Media Meanings - Essay Example n.d.). Discourse or critical analysis is a non constructive reading and interpreting a problem or text. The goal of discourse analysis is to view the â€Å"problem† from a big stance and also to acquire an inclusive view of the â€Å"problem† and in relation to the â€Å"problem†.  Discourse analysis provides an awareness regarding the unseen motives in others and also it allows solving the actual problems, by not providing definite answers (Palmquist, n.d.). The clip of a morning talk show of GMTV, anchored by John Stapleton discussed and debated regarding the issue of Labour administration original under estimation in the number of jobs in UK that went to the expatriates’ over the last few years. Stapleton started with the issues, confusing, â€Å"The Migrant Job Fiasco† posted in the front page of â€Å"Daily Mail†. Similarly in case of The Sun 20, â€Å"Migrants Labours haven’t a Clue†. According to the sources, British people are not getting any job but about half of the jobs in the year 1997 have gone to the foreign workers. It is said that about 2.7 million jobs were created in the year 1997 and 800,000 jobs to migrants, but it was revised to 1.1millions migrant jobs and the statistics of the official was assumed to be more than 1.5 millions. According to Caroline Flint, MP and Labour Employment Minister, it was not a cover-up as about 100,000 foreign nationals came for new jobs in the year 1997, where found to be incorrect and revised the identified mistaken figures and about 1 million jobs which are upfront about. In 1.5 million, includes foreign nationals which also comprise those born and brought up abroad but are actually UK nationals. It is an important raising issue for people, and when it comes to the statistics, taking the same people of 1.5 million remains the same. Later, she also justifies by saying that the administration has the statistics by which they can estimates and introduce new schemes like

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Reflective on Customer Relationship Management Strategy Case Study

Reflective on Customer Relationship Management Strategy - Case Study Example Specifically, the report attempts to narrate the background of the necessity of a CRM plan from the company's perspective and objectives for which CRM plan was developed. Furthermore, I have tried to portray the challenges that the company has faced and the prescribed the ways to overcome those challenges. The essay is concluded with my experience of doing an informative project and the lessons I learned out of my experience. Now, I feel that if I had been given little more time for completion, the project would have been much better. The CRM project has bee done as a part of my curriculum in the Business System Integration Coursework for the week 5-10. The project has been completed in association with other students who have been selected for the group to which I belong. The assigned project was to prepare a CRM plan and Implementation strategy for a big company- Alcatel Company, which has been in telecom and entertainment industry for last several years. The main aim of the project was to provide a practical exposure to the students as to how integrating business system works and how effectively CRM strategies can be framed and implemented. Apart from that, it attempts to equip the students with the knowledge and experience about teamwork and communication skills. The work starts with situation analysis of the company to know about where it stands and where it wants to reach and what is the difference between the two states. After analyzing the background of the company, the next task was to propose a CRM plan and implementation strategy so that the company can overcome its present problems and challenges. The work has touched almost all functional areas, which have a bearing upon the CRM plan and its implementation. The project was concluded with suggestions and recommendations to further improve the CRM plan effectiveness and reach the goal of customer loyalty and sustainability. All efforts have been put to make the work most efficiently and contributing prosperity to the company.Aims and Objectives 1. To enhance the knowledge about Business System Integration To get acquainted with how to formulate and implement CRM strategies Apply CRM concepts to real-life business situations 2. To realize the effectiveness of teamwork in contrast to working in isolation and develop team working skill The group emphasized on teamwork and every decision was taken in consultation with all team members Held meetings regularly to discuss difficulties, solutions, plans, and processes3. To undertake the assignment in a professional manner and complete it successfully Devote enough time to come up with the best CRM strategy appropriate for the company Extensive research of books, articles and other secondary sources on CRM implementation.