Thursday, December 26, 2019

Gender Differences In Women - 1060 Words

Discussion This integrative review explores the difference of the onset-to-hospital arrival time between females and males with acute strokes. The results demonstrate that the means and medians of the hospital arrival times among female patients seem to have more delay than male patients, particularly in the Asian-Pacific region. However, the various evidences show that gender difference is not statistically significant. Among thirteen articles that showed gender differences in pre-hospital delay time, 9 studies indicate that females are more likely to have significant hospital presentation delay. On the contrary, 4 published articles have found more delay in males. There could be various factors that possibly contribute to different†¦show more content†¦Advanced age is likely to be a cause of pre-hospital delay in females. Several included studies have demonstrated that women were significantly older than men. In elderly patients, the decision-making ability is deteriorated that could lead to a delay to seek medical help. Additionally, some reports in this review have presented that elderly females with acute stroke are more likely to live alone than males. Furthermore, the earlier research has reported that acute stroke patients who lived alone were 2.63 times more likely to have longer hospital arrival times than patients who lived with others (p 0.001). Thus, one possible cause of the d elay time in females could be living alone. Despite most reports in the United State that found gender equality in pre-hospital arrival time, only one study addressed Mexican American females were less likely to arrive at the hospital within 3 hours than males. The rate of EMS use by Mexican Americans was also lower than non-Hispanic whites. Moreover, 5 out of 9 studies that collected data in Asian-Pacific countries found more delay in women. Likewise, the previous research has suggested that the racial and geographic factors might affect hospital delay. For instance, Govindarajan (2015) has found the lower correct recognition of stroke symptoms in Hispanic and Asian patients. Similarly, a national survey by the American Heart Association reported that both knowledge of theShow MoreRelatedGender Differences, Gender, And Women885 Words   |  4 PagesThemes, surround men in the 1900s when they did not respect women out of there wifely duties. In the 1900s women generally had fewer legal rights and career opportunities than men . Wifehood and motherhood were regarded as female’s professions. â€Å"A man in the 19th century owned his wife and children as he did his material possessions.†(Susan gazelles). Most middle and upper class women had servants to do some or all of the housework. Some women were involved in, teaching in schools for poor children,Read MoreGender Differences For Women Entrepreneurs790 Words   |  4 Pagesprofession, although they have different characteristics that show women can be the best choice when it comes to entrepreneurship. The author in â€Å"Analysis of Gender Differences for Women Entrepreneurs by SWOT Model,† Hongbo Li states when more female entrepreneurs are shown in society there is greater development in the economy. Hongbo Li gives many strengths and traits; that females have that make them stand out, and set them apart from men. Women have demonstrated throughout the years and with the help withRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women10 58 Words   |  5 PagesGender differences between men and women Abstract Gender difference can be expressed in many ways. In our daily life, there are many phenomenon can be explained by gender difference. For example, man always like to pay attention to political news, but women focus on gossip news; Women like shopping very much but men never want to go shopping; for the same thing men and women will make different evaluations. These entire phenomenons are because of gender difference. How the gender difference showRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women1417 Words   |  6 Pagesmany events that have set the stage to analyze gender differences between men and women in history. Whether these gender differences exist in the way in which they communicate, influence, or lead, men and women have always been viewed as different and unique sets of people. These differences have, to a certain extent, put black mens in the environment at a disadvantage because of their perceived inferiority to the world, mainly due to historical gender inequalities, d iscrimination of racism. EspeciallyRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women1185 Words   |  5 Pagescontroversial and intriguing at the same time. This study approached the hypothesis of gender differences between men and women in spiritual well-being. The study used the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (Ellison, 1983) and assessed 75 college students in the survey. The study resulted in data that confirmed the hypothesis that men and women do not have any significant differences in spiritual well-being. â€Æ' Gender Differences in Spiritual Well-Being The examination of spiritual well-being has been a long andRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women892 Words   |  4 PagesRegardless of the standard definition, gender differences cause the meaning of attractiveness to vary among society. Cultural influences suggest that the â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder† is false. Aside from the specific guidelines towards what men and women perceive, men take attractiveness more serious than do women. It has been proven that both men and women compare body image and asymmetry when determining someone’s attractiveness, or lack there of. However, there are certain cases whereRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women1992 Words   |  8 PagesThere is much debate on the issue of personality differences between men and women, some believe that that men and women are vastly different, others only slightly and the rest firmly believe that we are no different from each other at all. A large quantity of resea rch has been conducted in order to try to find this out. Firstly, it is imperative that gender and personality have a clear definition to prevent confusion. Gender is a psychological perception of masculinity and femininity and can beRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women Essay1533 Words   |  7 Pagescontrast in social interactions between men and women, yet I have had difficulty pin-pointing the exact differences. Obviously, the military utilized abrasive and assertive speech, and I correlated it to professional differences rather than gender differences. However, learning the subconscious tendencies of communication polarities with men and women, and introspectively looking back at past interactions, forced me to realize it may be just as much a gender gap as a professional one. I always wonderedRead MoreGender Differences Between Men And Women1861 Words   |  8 Pageswestern culture frequently dismisses the concept of men and women holding highly distinguishable traits that denote respective functions in society. Such movements insinuate that the objective of absolute equality between the sexes has been met, despite history presenting an entirely contrasting view of gender roles that have perpetuated inequality in the minds of mankind. In order for one to fully comprehend the continual battle that women have fought against the stereotypes that history has triedRead MoreGender Differences Between Women And The Society1895 Words   |  8 PagesGender differences and subordination are the main concepts that Feminist Theory tries to overcome. A core assumption in this theory is that women are oppressed, and that feminist theories are â€Å"an analysis of women’s subordination for the purpose of figuring out how to change it† (McEwen Willis, 2 014, p. 290). From a feminist perspective, there can be no pure biology, therefore, feminist theory views sex as a significant characteristic that interacts with other factors such as race and class in

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Bullying and Mass School Shootings Essay - 3841 Words

Cho poked his head in the room a couple of times and looked around before exiting and entering a different room. The first shots were heard across the hall, in the hydrology class. It sounded like a nail gun or hammer hitting concrete blocks. Suddenly one could hear a pin drop. Abruptly the classroom door burst open and Cho walked in and raised a Glock 9mm handgun. (Friedman) â€Å"Once I got teased, I could see where the anger came from and what can make someone want to kill,† said Stefan Barone, a fourteen year old. (ABC News) The anger and depression is overwhelming and hard to control. There is no doubt that bullying cause’s suicide, and those bullied often commit acts of violence against others.†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, even mental illness, such as PTSD and many others is caused by bullying. (Schusterbauer) Police, teachers, principals, state senators, and many others claim it’s not bullying that causes these mind numbing numbers of suicide s and school shootings. They truly believe it is mental illness, depression, anger, and PTSD that causes the overwhelming number of suicides and shootings. What they fail to comprehend is that those are side effects as a result of being bullied. On the other hand, try to imagine being told by numerous people to â€Å"Go kill yourself, the world would be better off† and â€Å"No one likes you† or â€Å"We all wish you were dead† or even â€Å"Why were you born?† â€Å"You have no right to live.† After being subjected to all that, and so much more, wouldn’t that make one want to just give up or get revenge? We flip-flop between ignoring bullying altogether, considering it â€Å"normal† and implementing â€Å"zero tolerance† policies that don’t address the relationships among students and between students and adults. (Friedman) Since bullying isn’t taken care of, society ends up with school shootings and suicides on our hands. After either shootings or suicides the police have to determine the cause of death, and when bullying is the contributing factor of death, often the media and others argue about the official cause of death. Hence, there is a debate as to whether bullying or the emotions of depression and anger are theShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay On School Shootings898 Words   |  4 PagesThere has been an average of one school shooting every week in America since the Sandy Hook shooting. On the fourteenth of December, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, 20-year-old Adam Lanza not only killed his mother in her home, but also twenty children and six members of staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. This was to be the third deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history. The Huffington Post reports that as of 2014, there have been over 200 school shootings. These have resulted in at least 94Read MoreExploring the Issue in Gun Control760 Words   |  3 PagesExploring the issues in gun control is the name of the article and it sounds obvious that the article is going to be about the issue behind mass shootings. The article is written by Dan OBrien and Betty Stanton, who are both professional writers with great amount of knowledge about the issues in gun control. Dan OBrien is a currently a Director of Safety and Environmental Health for San Antonio Water System, Certified Safety Professional, and Certified in Homeland Security. Betty Stanton is aRead MoreMass Shootings In America Essay1327 Words   |  6 Pagesdevastated when Las Vegas suffered the United States worst mass shooting. One man killed over 50 people and injured 527. After he was finished firing from the 39th floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort, he committed suicide. His name was Stephan Paddock (Yan and Park). When most people think of a mass shooting, they think of a terroristic act or someone shooting at a large group of innocent citizens, like Columbine High School or Sandy Hook Elementary School. In actuality, most people do not realize that wheneverRead MoreThe Negatives Of Mass School Shootings1153 Words   |  5 Pagesarguments about mass school shootings, and mass school shooters. The first key argument would be that school shooters have a â€Å"type†. According to the article, school shooters are most likely to be young white men who feel as though they have been oppressed by their peers or society. Kalish and Kimmel’s second argument in their article was to say that humiliation is emasculation; â€Å"If you humiliate someone, you take away his manhood† (Page 454). Young white men decide to conduct a school shooting due to theirRead MoreColumbine High School Shooting And Virginia Tech University Shooting845 Words   |  4 PagesTaking a look at the Columbine high school shooting and the Virginia Tech University shooting, they followed different and similar situations. When these events occurred they both reached the record of worst mass shootings in U.S. history. On April 20, 1999, the Columbine shooting occurred early morning in which most of the students had already filled the school. The columbine shooters intentions to murder the students at the school were pre-meditated and were determined to destroy as much livesRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1134 Words   |  5 PagesBullying April 20th, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went to their school in Littleton, CO. They preceded to kill 12 and injure 21 students and faculty before killing themselves. Columbine shooting is infamous as one of the worst school shootings in US history. These two boys were known as outcasts and were ridiculed regularly. It’s been said that they were out for revenge on the school for being mistreated (New York Daily). This extreme case is the cause of a broken psyche doe to repeated blowsRead MoreThe Violence Of The Columbine Shooting1143 Words   |  5 Pageswent to their school in Littleton, CO. They preceded to kill 12 and injure 21 students and faculty before killing themselves. Columbine shooting is infamous as one of the worst school shootings in US history. Harris and Klebold were known as outcasts and were ridiculed regularly. It has been said that they were out for revenge on the school for being mistreated (New York Daily). This extreme case is the cause of a bro ken psyche due to repeated blows from peers. â€Å"Harassment and bullying have been linkedRead MoreCyberbullying Should Not Be Made Punishable By Law949 Words   |  4 Pagesa response to bullying. It’s hard to sympathize with a victim of bullying if you’ve never been bullied or have always played the role of the bully. In their article Are Social Networking Sites Harmful, Abraham Foxman and Cyndi Silverman (2011) argues that cyberbullying is more threatening than anything we’ve ever see before, therefore, such crimes should be made punishable by law. While I agree that cyberbullying should not be taken lightly, people need to understand that bullying, be it traditionalRead MoreMass Shootings Out Of 360 Days849 Words   |  4 Pages294 case of mass shootings out of 360 days recorded in 2015 (Ingraham). This proves how serious violence on campus has become in the United States, not just about guns violence but also acts of harassment, stalking, interpersonal violence, physical and sexual assaults. Schools and college campuses is a place where children and young adults has been assumed to be a safe places to spend their time learning. Yet, they still experience and have witnesses many acts of violence in their school which affectRead MorePersonal Perception Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Essay1136 Words   |  5 Pagesin real world instances? Do people flip out or lose it because of bullying or profiling because of their race, gender or appearance? It is happening more and more in each passing day. I feel in the last ten years or so bullying for all ages has become horrendous due to the access of social media. A bully can be very mean without seeing the person and I feel makes it easier. Fruchey-3 Bullying can be a deadly experience for some individuals but not for all. For

Monday, December 9, 2019

Civil War The Road to Appomattox Essay Example For Students

Civil War The Road to Appomattox Essay The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the events surrounding the end of the American Civil War. This war was a war of epic proportion. Never before and not since have so many Americans died in battle. The American Civil War was truly tragic in terms of human life. In this document, I will speak mainly around those involved on the battlefield in the closing days of the conflict. Also, reference will be made to the leading men behind the Union and Confederate forces. The war was beginning to end by January of 1865. By then, Federal (Federal was another name given to the Union Army) armies were spread throughout the Confederacy and the Confederate Army had shrunk extremely in size. In the year before, the North had lost an enormous amount of lives, but had more than enough to lose in comparison to the South. General Grant became known as the Butcher , and many wanted to see him removed. But Lincoln stood firm with his General, and the war continued. This paper will follow the events between the winter of 1864-65 and the surrender of The Confederate States of America. All of this will most certainly illustrate that April 9th, 1865 was indeed the end of a tragedy. CUTTING OFF THE SOUTHIn September of 1864, General William T. Sherman and his army cleared the city of Atlanta of its civilian population then rested ever so briefly. It was from there that General Sherman and his army began its famous march to the sea. The march covered a distance of 400 miles and was 60 miles wide on the way. For 32 days no news of him reached the North. He had cut himself off from his base of supplies, and his men lived on whatever they could get from the country through which they passed. On their route, the army destroyed anything and everything that they could not use but was presumed useable by the enemy. In view of this destruction, it is understandable that Sherman quoted war is hell . Finally, on December 20, Shermans men reached the city of Savannah and from there Sherman telegraphed to President Lincoln: I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah, with 150 heavy guns and plenty of ammunition, and also about 25,000 bales of cotton . Grant had decided that the only way to win and finish the war would be to crunch with numbers. He knew that the Federal forces held more than a modest advantage in terms of men and supplies. This in mind, Grant directed Sherman to turn around now and start heading back toward Virginia. He immediately started making preparations to provide assistance to Sherman on the journey. General John M. Schofield and his men were to detach from the Army of the Cumberland, which had just embarrassingly defeated the Confederates at Nashville, and proceed toward North Carolina. His final destination was to be Goldsboro, which was roughly half the distance between Savannah and Richmond. This is where he and his 20,000 troops would meet Sherman and his 50,000 troops. Sherman began to move north in mid-January of 1865. The only hope of Confederate resistance would be by General P.G.T. Beaurgard. He was scraping together an army with every resource he could lay his hands on, but at best he would only be able to muster about 30,000 men. This by obvious mathematics would be no challenge to the combined forces of Schofield and Sherman, let alone Sherman. Shermans plan was to march through South Carolina all the while confusing the enemy. .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb , .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .postImageUrl , .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb , .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb:hover , .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb:visited , .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb:active { border:0!important; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb:active , .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u47714b0fe48ca2b6a23c18e0bbac0edb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ogichidag Essay His men would march in two ranks: One would travel northwest to give the impression of a press against Augusta and the other would march northeast toward Charleston. However the one true objective would be Columbia. Shermans force arrived in Columbia on February 16th. The city was burned to the ground and great controversy was to arise. The Confederates claimed that Shermans men set the fires deliberately, systematically, and atrociously . However, Sherman claimed that the fires were burning when they arrived. The fires had been set to cotton bails by Confederate Calvary to

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Wiggles as a Popular Culture Essay Example

The Wiggles as a Popular Culture Paper The Wiggles are a childrens music and entertainment group consisting of four members who formed in Sydney in 1991. The original members were Anthony Field, Murray Cook, Greg Page and Jeff Fatt. Before the formation of the group, Field and Fatt were members of the Australian pop band The Cockroaches with Page being a roadie, and met Cook at Macquarie University where they were studying to become pre-school teachers. Together, they formed The Wiggles. Using connections gained from The Cockroaches, The Wiggles first manager Jeremy Fabinyi negotiated with the ABC to air The Wiggles TV show. This program essentially promoted their first album and tour, launching The Wiggles careers. The Wiggles, due to the development of technology such as television and the internet, have globalised into an internationally recognised franchise. By definition, a popular culture has four characteristics; they are associated with commercial products, develop from a local to international scale, allow consumers to have widespread access to it, and are constantly changing and evolving. The Wiggles can be classified as a popular culture due to its conforming to these characteristics. The group conforms to these characteristics by having much ssociated paraphernalia, such as albums and posters, has developed into an international franchise which tours the world, allows consumers widespread access to The Wiggles products, and is changing and evolving in order to benefit the children of the present day society. Advances In technology have allowed social and cultural studies to become more In-depth. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wiggles as a Popular Culture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Wiggles as a Popular Culture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Wiggles as a Popular Culture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Such studies have highlighted the importance of childrens social and cultural experiences linked with their literacy development. Children who participated In the watching of programs such as The Wiggles were noted within these studies to have higher literacy rates at the start of heir primary schooling than children who didnt. This has enabled The Wiggles to have status In the early childhood education Industry due to the childrens stimulation of their creative senses, while also making the learning process enjoyable for the child. This therefore has a positive effect on the young Individual In the present as well as the future, as well as The Wiggles being viewed In a positive manner by consumers and members of society because of this Influence on children. The Wiggles are so successful because of their positive Influence on childrens lives nd the satisfaction that adults receive from being aware of the educational value behind the program. This can be obviously demonstrated through the long-running creative programs aired on televlslon with such popularity that The Wiggles have become known around the world. This has made them an International franchise and allowed the company to expand Into other associated products and programs such as live performance shows and recorded albums. The products of this popular culture are aimed at a specific target market. Primary consumers of The Wiggles are young children but the major purchasers of associated products and paraphernalia re the childrens parents and adults. There Is no dlvlde In the consumption of this popular cultures associated products In relation to gender, although the group previously consisted of four males, as well as many of the associated characters being male. This recently changed In 2012 when a female Wiggle was Introduced, before, therefore giving The Wiggles the opportunity to expand their market even more. Despite the positive change of introducing a female Wiggle in order to make the childrens program more appealing to both genders, uproar has occurred resulting in a backlash over the internet. Social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter have seen The Wiggles pages slandered by the secondary consumers of this popular culture, being parents, due to the introduction of this new yellow Wiggle. This has created a now somewhat negative attitude towards The Wiggles due to the rejection of this change. Due to the growing online shopping market, the purchasing of The Wiggles paraphernalia has become simpler due to the ease of access for consumers to these products. Such paraphernalia includes costumes, albums and television series, computer games, toys, books, bags and stationery. This market has allowed the expansion of The Wiggles market due to the vast number of people who have access to such technology as the internet. Over the 22 years of which The Wiggles have been an entertainment source on the television for young children, the philosophy of the group, being that of healthy eating, dancing and singing, has not changed. A reason why The Wiggles are so well-known within the present society is due to this trusted source of creative early childhood education being conveyed to the audience through different media outlets. This creates a positive perception of this popular culture within many consumers eyes.